Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This is a piece I do not want to write. But the topic keeps flitting across my consciousness, harassing me with its clattery insistence.

My resistance arises from fear. I fear writing about the clutter I can see because inevitably, inexorably, it will lead to writing about the clutter I can’t see – the clutter inside.

Clutter is cleverly unobtrusive in its assault tactics. A pair of earrings on the living room end table. A few dirty dishes left in the sink. A sweater on the back of a dining room chair. Unsorted mail stacked on the couch arm. It all adds up. It quietly accumulates, one piece at a time. Nothing major. Just a little here, a little there. A box of Lincoln logs abandoned by the grandchildren. A ball. A stuffed toy. A sewing box on the sofa.

What happened to my perfectly de-cluttered apartment!?!?!


  1. Are you the nancy scott of ivcf at ou in the early 60's?

  2. Yes, I am that Nancy Scott OU 1961-1965. Who are you, Anonymous? I was hoping to find some long lost IVCF friends through my blog. If you will give me contact information in a comment, I can call or e-mail you without posting the comment to this blogspot, since it comes to my e-mail address first, for me to screen. Please, hurry! I need to know who you are! NG

  3. Perfectly de-cluttered apartment??? Is this the same Nancy Scott GODFREY I lived with for 19 years of my life? If so, I do not recall the existence of a de-cluttered apartment. :) Love you!

  4. Well, perhaps I exaggerate. Or perhaps you didn't see it during the one nano-second it was perfectly decluttered back on June 6. Or perhaps you were sent to me to keep me totally honest. Anyway, I'm so happy you (finally) posted to my blog and added your picture to my followers! I love you dearly, 3rd-daughter-4th-child of my heart! Mom
