Friday, May 29, 2009


Here’s a strange phenomenon.

My wireless mouse, my cell phone, my cordless land phone, and my TV remote all resemble each other. A lot.

My motif is black with silver trim, and I didn’t even plan them all to match. The mouse and land phone were gifts from my oldest daughter. The remote was donated by my youngest daughter. My cell is so old, it’s just a few centimeters shy of being as fat as the mouse (think 3-year-old Samsung flip up).

So far, I have tried to move my cursor with my cell phone, and I once tried to answer my mouse. I guess my confusion may arise from the fact that I keep them beside me, as I sit on my couch with my laptop on my lap (where else?).

You see, I spend much of my time at home as follows: typing my conversations with God, writing blogs, reading blogs, reading the Bible (though not as much as I should, which I must confess, lest I have to write an apology post for trying to make myself sound more spiritually-disciplined than I am), reading my current novel, watching TV, and not watching TV – the pastimes I carefully weave into the weekday evenings and weekend morning-to-afternoon tapestries of my life.

But in my own defense, so far, I haven’t tried to mute my TV with my cordless, though it does have a mute key. And I haven’t tried to answer my remote, though I do talk to my TV.

Is there any hope for me? Is this phenomenon an early sign of Alzheimer’s? Should I purchase a pet? One I can train to discern the subtle differences among my small battery-driven devices?

As I travel further along in blogdom, I’m no longer waking up at 4:00 AM thinking about what I will write, but for a while, I will continue to play with a silly idea and see how it turns out. It’s my blog, after all. I can make up my own rules.



  1. PLease keep writing. I want to sail in your boat for a while if mine has a hole. Maybe I'll figure out how to keep it afloat a while longer. :)

  2. What a lovely comment...and so well-written. Keep it up! And thanks for your encouragement. You are welcome in my boat anytime. Sailing in each other's boats. I think that sounds like an idea for a post. Hmmmmm...

  3. Uhmmmm.....that was hilarious. I don't think giving up is an option. Besides we know where to find you. LOL

    K.L. Knight

  4. That was hilarious. Love this lil blog of yours.

    K.L. Knight

  5. As long as your snacks aren't silver and black, I think you're fine.

  6. I think I can solve your issue with an all-in-one

  7. Too funny, NG! My hubby is a techie geek, so in order to watch a DVD, I need no less than THREE remotes. Trying to turn up the volume requires a PhD. I feel your pain!

    Keep up the blogging! There are NO rules!
