Sunday, September 6, 2009


Lord, you never
from me.

It was I
who said goodbye
see you later
whenever I can figure out
what I’m escaping from
what I’m withdrawing
to avoid.

Nina, my silly, silly child,
trying to find answers

apart from me
author of the universe
lover of your soul.

How did you
think to disconnect
from me
when I indwell you
go before you
walk beside you
on your right hand
and your left,
when I protect
you from behind?

So my silence on written page
my reluctance
to open the book you’ve
already written to me
formed no barrier between us?

My love knows
no boundary.
I do not recognize
your disconnection.

Bring your questions
to me.
Though I may not answer,
you can trust me
to listen and love.

We will journey together
to your destiny’s end.
Along the way
you will fall more and more
in love with me.

Love is my desire for you,
not that you match your actions
to your own ideas

of what I want.

Walk with me
not by precept
but by proximity.
Set no standards for success
except our mutual joy.

I take your hand
my Lord.
My heart is yours.
I delight
in our dance.

Nancy Godfrey
June 25, 2006


  1. This moved me so much so that is was almost difficult to finish reading. I get that way sometimes when something is too beautiful as if your looking right into the sun.

    K.L. Knight

  2. K.L.: I'm so glad this poem touched you. I was actually thinking of you and of at least one other Psalm 45:1 friend when I chose this particular poem to post. I was also thinking of myself. I often find my own prior writings keep me communicating with Him. Thanks for commenting. NG

  3. What is a Psalm 45 facilitator?

    What books are you reading?

  4. This is beautiful! I'm reminded of Psalm 139.
    Why have you stopped doing your Kaleidoscope?


  5. I wish I knew who submitted the October 29 comment. Here are answers to all 3 recent questions:
    1) Psalm 45:1 is the writers' group at Vineyard Church of Columbus. The namesake verse is below (NASB)
    "My heart overflows with a good theme;
    I address my verses to the King;
    My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
    We meet every 3rd Monday at 7:30 PM. Many of my writer friends from this group have their own blogs. They have inspired and loved me. And I love them.
    2) What books am I reading? My summer reading included six books by Susan Howatch, novels about various ecclesiastical memebers of the Church of England spanning the middle 20th century years. I recently re-read the first three of Camel Club series by David Baldacci because I wanted to read the fourth and couldn't remember enough about the series' history. I just finished The Secret Lives of Bees. I'm also reading How People Grow (a Cloud and Townsend book) for a Monday night small group I'm attending, and to search out - under God's direction) why I feel "stuck."
    3) Why have I stopped adding entries to Kaleidoscope? IDK. Maybe you can help me figure it out, Maranda. I hope revelation comes soon. I've had some ideas recently. They just haven't materialized. Watch for me. And thanks for posting your comments. Nancy
